📸 Photo series #29: The stories of a photographer's birthplace
Street photographer: Cosmin Garlesteanu
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In the meantime, let’s take a step back and enjoy the amazing work of Cosmin Garlesteanu on a city that you might not be familiar with : Bucharest.
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Bucharest by Cosmin Garlesteanu
⏱️ Reading time: 4 min
Bucharest. It's the city where I was born and which I somehow ignored up until a while ago. I very well may have missed many stories in my carelessness during this time. Perhaps because I know I have Bucharest "at hand", as it's the city where I spend most of my time.
As in any relationship, I have learned to be patient, to accept that it takes time to get to really know somebody. On foot, I am almost always listening to music, and each time Bucharest unfolds before me rhythmically and resonantly. As a consequence, like a spectator, the child in me wants to discover, to be amazed, to see what hides around the next corner.
Written and shot by Cosmin Garlesteanu.
Who’s behind the lens?
Describe yourself as a photographer and where you are based
I am 39 years old, based in Bucharest. I am taking photographs since I was 20, and I hope to continue doing so.
Despite being an economist by profession (never worked a day in the field), I shifted towards something more creative—radio and TV. About 20 years ago, I got my first camera, and since then, I haven't stopped taking pictures. There always seems to be too little time for photography, always something more to discover. Time passed unnoticed, and I discovered aspects of myself I didn't know existed.
Naturally introverted, I opened up to people, and although I never stage images, I've gifted prints to the people I photographed. I don't know what led me to photography, but something urged me to document what I saw every day. I've experimented a lot, tried various photographic genres, and settled on street photography.
Your favorite camera and lens
I have only one camera, a Fuji XT-2, and a 18 mm lens.
Your favorite places to shoot
I didn't travel a lot, but i really liked Burano (Venice), Tbilisi (Georgia) and Cambridge (UK). Bucharest is, of course, my first option. I would like to shoot in Armenia, New York, Turkey.
According to you, what makes a good picture
A good picture is a picture that speaks for itself and who raises question marks. One not to forget in time.
Your favorite photographers and where you get inspired.
Joel Meyerowitz, Robert Frank, Saul Leiter , Harry Gruyaert, Matt Stuart, Sebastiao Salgado, and many others. I get inspired from other photographers , movies, painting, photobooks and music.
Portfolio and/or social media links
Instagram : @garlesteanu_cosmin.
It is a pleasure to see the humor and good humor with which you see and capture the world. Bravo
Great photos, thank you.